Tables (extension)

GFM enables the table extension, where an additional leaf block type is available.

table is an arrangement of data with rows and columns, consisting of a single header row, a delimiter rowseparating the header from the data, and zero or more data rows.

Each row consists of cells containing arbitrary text, in which inlines are parsed, separated by pipes (|). A leading and trailing pipe is also recommended for clarity of reading, and if there’s otherwise parsing ambiguity. Spaces between pipes and cell content are trimmed. Block-level elements cannot be inserted in a table.

The delimiter row consists of cells whose only content are hyphens (-), and optionally, a leading or trailing colon (:), or both, to indicate left, right, or center alignment respectively.

Example 198

Markdown HTML Demo
| foo | bar |
| --- | --- |
| baz | bim |


Cells in one column don’t need to match length, though it’s easier to read if they are. Likewise, use of leading and trailing pipes may be inconsistent:

Example 199

Markdown HTML Demo
| abc | defghi |
:-: | -----------:
bar | baz

<th align="center">abc</th>
<th align="right">defghi</th>
<td align="center">bar</td>
<td align="right">baz</td>

Include a pipe in a cell’s content by escaping it, including inside other inline spans:

Example 200

Markdown HTML Demo
| f\|oo  |
| ------ |
| b `\|` az |
| b **\|** im |

<td>b <code>|</code> az</td>
<td>b <strong>|</strong> im</td>

The table is broken at the first empty line, or beginning of another block-level structure:

Example 201

Markdown HTML Demo
| abc | def |
| --- | --- |
| bar | baz |
> bar


Example 202

Markdown HTML Demo
| abc | def |
| --- | --- |
| bar | baz |



The header row must match the delimiter row in the number of cells. If not, a table will not be recognized:

Example 203

Markdown HTML Demo
| abc | def |
| --- |
| bar |

<p>| abc | def |
| --- |
| bar |</p>

The remainder of the table’s rows may vary in the number of cells. If there are a number of cells fewer than the number of cells in the header row, empty cells are inserted. If there are greater, the excess is ignored:

Example 204

Markdown HTML Demo
| abc | def |
| --- | --- |
| bar |
| bar | baz | boo |


If there are no rows in the body, no <tbody> is generated in HTML output:

Example 205

Markdown HTML Demo
| abc | def |
| --- | --- |
